For Future Generations.

For Future Generations.

Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing Nevada right now. We have gotten to the point where our skies are darkened for most of the summer due to wildfires and we are quickly running out of water due to our increasingly smaller snow pack and higher temperatures each year. We cannot continue on this path. But we don’t have to sit by helplessly as we watch climate change wreak havoc on our communities.

What did I do?

In my first session I introduced and supported legislation to:

  • Reduce vehicle emissions by incentivizing the purchase of clean trucks and buses and require state agencies to minimize emissions when purchasing vehicles.
  • Create a program to train farmers and ranchers in regenerative agricultural practices and offer supports and incentives for them to make the transition, which helps reverse climate change and conserve water.
  • Restrict the use of harmful neonicotinoid pesticides, which cause significant harm to our environment and health.
  • Promote Urban Forestry to address the issue of urban heat islands, improve air quality, and combat climate change.

What do we still need to do?

  • Expand our use of renewable energy across the state while investing in electric vehicle infrastructure in order to meet our goal of zero greenhouse emissions by 2050.
  • Reduce vehicle emissions by investing in infrastructure projects to expand the use of rail for commercial freight while also building commuter rails to reduce traffic congestion.
  • Updated our antiquated laws on water use in order to incentivize water conservation and preserve our most valuable resource.

Join Our Team!

Let's build a Brighter Nevada, TOGETHER!

Meet with Selena

Please note, the meeting may be either virtual or in-person depending on Selena’s availability. 

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